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meet your fitness coach


Our health is everything, and I am here to provide the knowledge and the skills to make it better.



My name is Jackie Falls. I am originally from Tucson, Arizona, and now live in Savannah, Georgia. I earned my BA in political science and then went on to graduate school for an MA in history. After graduate school, I was a ninth-grade teacher for 15 years and loved my job. But, by my 14 th year in the classroom, I realized that the job I loved was impacting my health. I had
to make a change, but I still wanted to be a teacher. I have been a teacher for most of my life. I still wanted to inspire others to be better than they were yesterday. The only outlet I had for stress was running, and running is medicine for me and I also knew other people felt exercise was medicine. Whether it was running or walking, exercise makes you better.

Soon after I left the classroom I became a certified personal trainer, a nutrition coach, and a glute specialist. I am still a teacher, but even a better teacher now. I want to teach as many people as possible that much of their health is in their control. I want all my clients to live the best quality of life for as long as possible. As we age, we all want to look good, but more important is how our bodies feel as years go by. I want to encourage kids and adults alike to be physically active and enjoy exercise. Kids that are physically active tend to have better grades, better attendance, better cognitive and focus, and more self-confidence. I am dedicated to helping everyone have the best life possible. I currently have a Facebook page called Savannah’s Future Centenarians where people can share family stories, remedies, life’s triumphs, health tips, positive quotes, exercise tips, and be part of a community. Our health is everything, and I am here to provide the knowledge and the skills to make it better. I also believe laughter along with exercise is medicine so be ready to have fun!

schedule your consultation today!



1 Complimentary Session
8 Sessions (Total)
45 minutes per session
1x Per Week
Weekly Homework





1 Complimentary Session
8 Sessions (Total)
45 minutes per session
1X Per Week
Weekly Homework





Combination of both Core & Running
1 Complimentary Session
16 Sessions (Total)
45 minutes per session
2x Per Week
Weekly Homework



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